CriTrainer: An Adaptive Training Tool for Critical Paper Reading
Published in User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) (CCF-A), 2023
Learning to read scientific papers critically, which requires first grasping their main ideas and then raising critical thoughts, is important yet challenging for novice researchers. The traditional ways to develop critical paper reading (CPR) skills, e.g., checking general tutorials or taking reading courses, often can not provide individuals with adaptive and accessible support. In this paper, we first derive user requirements of a CPR training tool based on literature and a survey study (N=52). Then, we develop CriTrainer, an interactive tool for CPR training. It leverages text summarization techniques to train readers’ skills in grasping the paper’s main ideas. It further utilizes template-based generated questions to help them learn how to raise critical thoughts. A mixed-design study (N=24) shows that compared to a baseline tool with general CPR guidance, students trained by CriTrainer perform better in independently raising critical thinking questions on a new paper. We conclude with design considerations for CPR training tools.